Parents Are Teachers
Literacy is a loaded word. What does it mean to be literate? What does it mean to be literate in terms of reading and how is that the same or different than being literate in any other skill or subject that requires decoding for understanding?
I spent many years as a teacher studying how kids learn to read, what happens when they don’t. I spent time learning how to foster literacy early as well as intervene later to help catch them up. I have a reading certificate in California and a teaching crediential. My specialty has been literacy intervention. But now, as a mom, I find myself surrounded by parents who are asking the same questions - How do I help my kids learn to read?
How can I get my kids to LOVE to read like I did when I was young?
Family Reading Magic seeks to empower parents as teachers by breaking down literacy education into understandable concepts, providing activities parents can do with kids to practice skills, and suggest reading materials and at-home learning tools that families can leverage to foster literacy for kids of all ages.
Parents can easily learn literacy education basics for all ages, skill development best practices, and how to develop pro-literacy habits for their families.
There is no silver bullet, but understanding the mechanics and tools behind learning to read and the habits that move kids from decoding to loving reading can help empower parents to own this part of their child’s development and long-term education.
Ready…set…let’s go!